Best Smartphones in 2024: Check Out Our Tips

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The search for the ideal smartphone can be very laborious, especially when we don’t have help to know which are the best options.

To help you discover the best smartphone in 2024, we have created this content with the pros and cons of the available market options.


In this text, see which are the best smartphones in 2024 and choose yours once and for all!

1- Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra maintains the brand’s tradition of excellence and the Galaxy S line, being one of the best currently.


It is one of the first Samsung smartphones to receive the new Galaxy AI features, which implement some tools.

These features automatically translate text messages and calls. It also allows you to search for anything just by drawing a circle on the screen. Incredible, isn’t it?


  • It is equipped with a powerful processor and an impressive display, offering a smooth and visually stunning user experience.
  • Its high-resolution quad camera promises exceptional captures in any lighting condition, while the long-lasting battery and 5G connectivity ensure consistent performance.
  • Among the main positives are its dynamic AMOLED screen, versatile camera setup, and elegant product design.


  • However, some users consider the high price and large size as negative points.
  • This device does not receive exclusive content from the line like other Samsung devices, which can be a downside for people looking for a unique phone with special features.
  • These features can vary, such as screen size changes, camera zoom, or system modifications.

2- iPhone 15 Pro Max

For Apple enthusiasts, the iPhone 15 Pro Max stands out for its seamless integration of hardware and software.

It is the best iPhone because it provides everything you want in a flagship, with features not present in the iPhone 15 Pro.

The iPhone 15 Pro Max has a much larger zoom than other devices in the line; it also gets a bigger battery and a larger, more immersive screen.


  • Equipped with the advanced Bionic A18 chip, it offers exceptional performance in multitasking and gaming.
  • The triple camera provides professional-quality photos and videos, while the iOS 18 system offers an intuitive interface and fast security updates.
  • Among the pros are high-level performance, premium build quality, and excellent integration with the Apple ecosystem.
  • Additionally, its design has made the Apple smartphone even lighter, with titanium sides.


  • However, its very high cost and reliance on exclusive accessories can be seen as unfavorable issues.
  • It is a large device, which makes it not fit in small pockets or even in some bags.
  • It still does not have 27W charging, which makes its battery charge slower than Samsung phones.A cellphone on the table, tip for Best Smartphones in 2024.

3- Google Pixel 8 Pro

The Google Pixel 8 Pro stands out for its cutting-edge camera and integration with Google services.

Additionally, it also stands out in the technological advances offered by AI, just like the Galaxy.


  • With an advanced Android operating system and fast updates, it offers a smooth and secure user experience.
  • Its camera stands out for its modernity with an ultrasonic image sensor that allows capturing incredible details and moments even in low light conditions.
  • Among its positive points are the excellent camera, fast performance, and integration with Google Assistant.


  • However, the lack of expandable storage options and limited availability are considered disadvantages.
  • One of the main problems with this phone is that its battery is not very durable, thus, its overall performance leaves something to be desired.woman checking the Best Smartphones in 2024.

4- OnePlus Open

The OnePlus Open positions itself as a competitive option, with robust performance and an affordable price.

It is very light, which is a great differential from other brands, managing to be as light as a current Apple phone.


  • Equipped with a next-generation processor and a high-resolution AMOLED screen, it offers an immersive viewing experience.
  • Its OxygenOS interface based on Android is highly customizable, while fast charging and innovative design are additional advantages.
  • Among the pros are solid performance, cost-benefit, and the clean Android system interface.


  • However, the camera quality may not be as impressive as in other high-end models.
  • Its price can be a small problem for those who are used to low values in Android phones.

5- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5

For innovation enthusiasts, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 stands out with its elegant foldable design and advanced technology.

Like other Z flips, it stands out for its ease of storing in small pockets, bags, or backpacks and also for its beauty.


  • Equipped with a refined hinge and a flexible AMOLED screen, it offers versatility and style.
  • The dual camera allows great captures, while Samsung’s One UI interface offers a very intuitive user experience.
  • Among the positives are the innovative design, portability, and multitasking capability.


  • However, the high price and durability of the foldable screen may be concerns for some users.
  • Additionally, the lack of personalized and durable screen protectors for this type of device can be a big problem.

6- Motorola Razr Plus

The Motorola Razr Plus combines nostalgia with modern technology in a flip format, being a great option for those who like a more nostalgic style.


  • With its flexible OLED screen, it offers a unique user experience, ideal for those looking for a compact and elegant phone.
  • Its compact design hides capable hardware, including an efficient processor and competent cameras.
  • Among the pros are the updated retro form factor, portability, and clean Android interface.


  • However, the durability of the foldable screen and the moderate battery performance can be considered cons.
  • This smartphone also carries the problem present in the Z Flip, due to the lack of special protections for the device’s screen usage.

7- Asus Zenfone 10

The Asus Zenfone 10 stands out for its solid performance and some features aimed at gamers.

It stands out for escaping the new norm of lighter phones, being more robust and comfortable for hand use.


  • Equipped with an advanced Snapdragon processor and a high refresh rate AMOLED screen, it offers a smooth and immersive gaming experience.
  • Its versatile camera and long-lasting battery are strong points, while the ZenUI 8 operating system offers extensive customization.
  • Among the main positives are superior gaming performance, long battery life, and vibrant display.


  • However, the more robust design and bulky size may not appeal to all users.
  • Some people report that the best option to buy is the 512GB one, due to the lack of space to insert a new SD card.

woman using a phone.

Each of these models offers unique features to meet the different needs and preferences of consumers in 2024.

When considering which smartphone to buy, it is essential to weigh what matters most: performance, camera, design, or integration with other devices.

Choose wisely to ensure a satisfying experience aligned with your technological expectations.

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